Friday, May 20, 2011

Cast your vote

Those in favor of making the drinkery our hang out for a while say "I". Those opposed say "Nay." Blaine wanted everyone to know that if you vote "I" he will jack you off while wearing his hand painted gardening....I mean BIKER gloves.


  1. I'm for the Drinkery, no sloppy seconds for me though. TTT can have my turn.

  2. I'm just sayin yes. I've had enough hand jobs from him.

  3. EYE. Blaine has to apply lotion to his hands first. The last couple of hand jobs left my shaft chapped.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I like it when he splashes "Hawleywoods" aftershave on my junk before he starts the wackin. This makes me feel AND smell like a manly man! You're a real trooper Blaine!

  6. Notice what he painted on the knuckles of his gloves. It says "JACK" on the right side and "UOFF" on the left side. He needs to wear a wrestling mask that has "DREAM CATCHER" painted acrossed the forehead.

  7. I am in as long as jim does burnout's every thursday!

  8. aye. i love that place, and sam the bartender is a good friend.
