Monday, July 25, 2011

As you all know by now, Kory, Al & I are XS 650 builders, but recently we have dicovered something that we feel is going to revolutionalize the motorcycle industry. We feel this is going to be the new trend for all that is "COOL"! Forget your Softails, your Panheads, Knuckleheads, Sportsters, Choppers, Bobbers, Trykes, Mopeds, Scooters, Vespa's, Baggers and Sidecars. This, my friends, is where it's is at! YEP! You guessed it. Adventure motorcycling! The Opprutunity's are endless. The world will be able to go anywhere on these Epic machines! Now, keep in mind, this particular modle is our prototype, but you can easily see the direction we are headed in. let's talk about the equipment on these muscle machines. First, we will start in the front. Yes that is the latest in "state of the art" in moto-audio equipment from Bose Audio. Next we offer an impact resistant face shield. Down low on the side we offer the latest in light wieght snow shovels. We offer mounting hardware for an axe or hatchet for those who are feeling burley enough to go out and chop down a well deserving Pine tree. We offer the latest & greatest in headwear (safety first)! We offer "the best that money can buy" fuel and oil containers (oil & fuel not included). Then on to our world famous hand made rigid saddle bags & last but not least, a sweet ass old school type lawn chair for sitting and lookin at your most awesome new purchase. Know this - once you start riding one of the machines, no one will pass judgement upon you because you will indeed be the coolest guy on the road. Whats to judge, right?

Please contact us via email or texting to place your order for our Adventure motorcycle. Prices depend on the options you choose. ( $10,000 for modle shown in thses picture). Please hurry, availability for 2011 modles are limited. email address :

The latest & greatest in Bose Audio equipment comes standard in all of our 2011 modles. Coming soon on our 2012 modles.................. Air bags! Eat your heart out Bikers & trykers!!!!!!


  1. You goofy fucks.......................

  2. The only good thing to do with a Honda!

  3. ill take two. im buying a green XS650 im going to turn around and flip for double.
